All About The 14-Day Metabolism Reset

What is The 14-Day Metabolism Reset?

The 14-Day Metabolism Reset is the fastest, healthiest way to drop pounds, shed fat, boost your energy levels, and get your body working for you, and you’ll do it naturally, without harmful chemicals, or artificial stimulants.

What do I get with The 14-Day Metabolism Reset?

You get instant access to the daily videos to workout with Marina, and an amazing, private fitness Facebook group exclusive to only our members!

There's no need to organize your busy life around it! The workouts with Marina are only 20 minutes long.

There's also the Recipe E-Book! Delicious, healthy, and easy meals that take 30 minutes or less to prepare. The 14-Day Metabolism Reset does not focus on caloric deficit. We don't believe in counting calories because we think food should be something you enjoy, not something you stress over.

Our focus on the reset is to eat healthy, whole, and delicious foods that will help your body work at its best! When your digestive system starts working better, you increase your resting metabolic rate, and you shift your body from burning carbs to burning fats.

Don't worry, there's also meal prep tips and a shopping list so you don't forget any ingredients. 

Looking for food substitutions? You should find the most frequently asked questions about the Reset and also how to modify the reset for your dietary restrictions inside the E-Book. If you still have any questions about it after reading it, please feel free to ask/comment in our private community on Facebook or email us here.

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Ready to learn more? 

Head over to to get further details and to place your order.

Do you know your resting metabolic rate? If not, take our free assessment!

Exercise is not without its risks and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. As with any exercise or nutrition program, we suggest first consulting with your medical doctor to make sure it is 100% safe for you. Then if at any point during a workout, you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a medical professional.

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