RME - Tips for storing your supplements
Here are our Radiant Me tips for storing all of your supplements:
1. Leave them in the bottles they came in. Most bottles are opaque and keep the out light which may degrade their contents.
2. Store the bottles in a dark, dry place - not your bathroom cabinet. You see after light, extreme heat and moisture are the primary force for breakdowns. Supplements should not be left in extremely high heat temperatures (greater than 120*F) for extended periods of time (48+ hours). Manufacturers put average heat ranges on the bottles, however, most supplements can withstand ranges colder or hotter than indicated.
3. Don't throw out the cotton or small white packets that come in the bottles. Ever wonder what it's for? They absorb the moisture that would otherwise attack your pills and reduce their effectiveness.
4. Keep an eye on expiration dates. If kept from light, heat and moisture which can reduce potency, products will remain effective up to 2 years.
5. Store your supplements according to the directions on the label. Proper storage will help maintain full potency through the shelf life of the product.
6. Our capsules are shipped in cardboard packaging that serves to insulate and protect the contents. Shipping in high temperatures should not affect the contents of the UV protected bottle.
With all this said and done, the shelf-life of most, if not all, dietary supplements are much longer than the usual period of normal consumption or use. Therefore, simply leaving the dietary supplement in its closed bottle in a closed cupboard for normal periods of use will not cause any loss of potency.